Monday, December 18, 2006

A weekend of shopping and high culture

I finally gave in to my shopping urge this weekend and stormed off to H&M - lovely, affordable clothes shop here in Europe. I first purchased a bright red coat, which I first noticed at the play I saw two weeks ago and to my absolute delight it was marked down from €50 (R450) to €15 (R135). Then I moved on to buy myself some more sweaters and some tops to wear under the sweaters so I could stay warm when the days start getting really cold. Mind you the last two days we'd been experiencing below 10 degrees maximum, but from Tuesday onwards we're back to the double digits again. There are worries that there will not be enough snow for those who booked their skiing holidays over the Christmas period - thanks to global warming.

In between the shopping and lazing about I also had time to soak up some culture. On Saturday I listened to Bach's Oratorios IV-VI in the St. Michaelis church and on Sunday I had the pleasure of attending a performance of Oratorios I-III at the St. Jacobi church - which if truth be told was the better performance. According to Wikepedia an oratorio is a large musical composition for orchestra, vocal soloists and chorus. It differs from an opera in that it does not have scenery, costumes, or acting. Churches are so the right settings for such performances and I took great pride in my cultural refinement and appreciation of such high culture:-P After the performance Rikke and I indulged in some not so high German culture by going to the nearest Christmas market to get a currywurst and some glühwein.

Otherwise I'm counting down the days until Thursday when I fly to Belgium for just over two weeks. Will be spending Christmas with my hubby and his family. However, all will not just be fun and games. Next term only consists of one month in which we have to hand in most of our "big" assignment (the inverted commas are used because the assignments are not really that big), so I'm planning to finish some of these assignments whilst finding myself in an even more relaxed setting.

Hope you're all well. And check out the last pic of our Berlin outing below.


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