Monday, February 05, 2007

Of Wentworth Miller and other things

So in true student fashion I pulled a whole-nighter last night. Only got to bed at 4:30 am after I'd been working on an essay, which I wasn't really into and embarassingly enough the essay will be read by all the people in my class as we are obliged to read each other's essays so that we can have a meaningful discussion on Wednesday morning. Pulling the whole-nighter wasn't so much trouble, since these days I don't sleep much. I have to be really tired to sleep through a night (which I'll thankfully be tonight) otherwise I wake up at unholy hours and try (in vain) to fall asleep again. All I pray for that this is will also pass (it's been going on for quite a while now) since I really prefer my former sleeping pattern (8-10 straight hours a night).

Any way being a bit of insomniac means I go out more regularly as well. Last week was a bumper social week despite the fact that I had to hand in about 3 essays. My social calender kicked off with Frank's birthday part on Tuesday. You might have heard about Frank before, embarassingly enough he had read the post about himself and wanted to know what "being a gas" meant. Luckily it was something positive, so my acquaintance with Frank wasn't harmed in any way. Of course I knew nobody at the party except the birthday boy. My date, Peter, dropped me at the last minute, but since I didn't really have anything else planned for the evening (maybe a couple of episodes of Prison Break), I went to the party. It was very civilised and pleasant since it's always interesting to meet new people. Of course the wine was flowing, which really helped the party spirit and the food was absolutely delicious, as was expected.

The next evening I stayed in and watched the hotter-than-hot Wentworth Miller (photo above) doing his thang in Prison Break. After 2 seasons (of back-to-back episodes without ad breaks), the man still hasn't lost for me. Yip, I am a BIG fan of he with the striking blue eye (sigh!). The next evening, after yet another attempt to work on my assignment, I met up with Dennis - our Bavarian brother here in Hamburg. We started off drinking in his massive room in a student res. It's quite interesting to see the different student resses here since they just don't resemble each other in any way. At about 1am (the hour at which the trains stop running - when I'd actually planned to go home) we (Dennis, I and a couple of his floormates) made our way to party capital here in Hamburg - the red-light district=Kiez. We ended up in some pub/bar and after a couple of songs I started feeling really ill. Headed for the nearest loo and after puking decided to park off on the toilet. I have no idea how long I was there for, but after what felt like 20 mins someone knocked on the door and asked whether I was OK. I rose from my stupor, climbed the stairs only to find the pub/bar empty. Dennis had left with my fleece and coat. I made a mental note never to go out drunk with him again and phoned him to find out what happened - by this time it had become clear that I hadn't been on the loo for 20 mins, but 2 hours. Lucky for me he was at the next bus stop waiting for a night bus. I made my way over there wearing only a T-shirt with a top underneath. Luckily I was still drunk enough not to feel the cold that much. Dennis and I ended up waiting for the day busses and trains to start running again at 5am and tired moi was welcomed by her lovely bed, which she only used until 11:00 - story of my life.

Friday I gave up trying to work on said assignment and camped out with the inimidable (matchless) mr. Miller on my bed - I wish, I camped out with my laptop (and images of mr. Miller - sigh!). Finally by Saturday I had watched all the Prison Break that was available and I could then start on the assignment. That evening I'd been invited for lasagne by my Danish friend, Rikke. Initially we thought it would be only the two of us and Dennis, but Oxana (the Russian who's name I'll use one day when I write a novel) and her charming husband, Vadim, joined us. Later more people joined for dessert, which was great - thanks Dennis. However, after 12 I felt my energy draining and I thought it wise to go home although I just know the rest of the people went out - if you don't know trains run 24 hours on the weekend.

The next day I visited the German countryside with Peter, but more about that in the next post. I have to get my arse in gear if I wanna eat something before class today.



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